Download ConnectCall Today!

Exciting news, you're now able to download the ConnectCall app as a beta tester.

Happy Launch day!

Checking in to let you know that you can now download ConnectCall to your iOS device!

How this works:

TestFlight will send an email your way with instructions for downloading both TestFlight and ConnectCall.

If you don’t get the TestFlight invite, you can also sign up to download it through this public link:

This same link is one you can share with family, friends, and followers!

When downloading the app in TestFlight, you’ll see a section that says “What to Test.”

This is an area you should read through with each new update that comes out, as it will let you know what’s been fixed or what we need your help testing.

Sending Feedback

As you get started in your account and using ConnectCall we’d love to hear your experiences!

Both good and bad.

Any time you take a screen shot in the app it’ll give a prompt and option to send that in with a note as feedback.

You can also send feedback through where you downloaded the app, as seen in the above photo.

Or! You can send in a direct email to myself.

I’m here to help you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’ve got feedback, or have questions about getting started.

Thank you for being a beta tester!


PS. We are still in need of more beta testers! If you have family or friends who would be interested, please share this public link with them.