Things are in the works...

A quick update about what I've been working on in the last few weeks.

Last time we talked, I mentioned all the bugs we uncovered together in just the first week of launching the beta app.

Recap: The call scheduler feature was not (and is not) working, due to users needing a paid Calendly account for the Zapier automation to work.

Since then, things in my own life have been difficult with lots of job rejections, getting a nasty head cold, and trying to get back to my regular work and workout routine.

However! A comment on social media asking to test out the app brought me back to working on ConnectCall.

Before getting sick: I tried out 2-3 alternatives to Calendly to no avail. They were not built to be used as ConnectCall needs.

Last week: I did one final search online to try and find a free calendar booking site.

Amazingly, I was brought to a Reddit thread that mentioned a calendar site called

It looks like this will work well with ConnectCall!

I’m now trying to get it successfully set up as an automation so that you and your contacts can schedule calls together with ease.

Funny enough, I had to email both Zapier and Cal today due to different bugs I’ve come across in getting the automation and services all set up.

If I’m able to get these resolved with both companies, then you should have a new and working app update sent your way ASAP.

From there, I should be on track for posting regularly as well as doing outreach to get more users and testers.

Hope you are doing better than I am, and can’t wait to get things back up and running!
