Who are all these people?

I literally have no idea.

If you read my last post, you know that I have less friends than ever.

But if that’s the case, then why does my phone have 863 contacts?

Why do I have 541 followers on my personal Instagram?

Combined, these numbers equate to 1,404 people whom you’d think I could reach out to on any given day.

Whether it was for fun, help, support, encouragement, to do life with, etc.

I would always be guaranteed to have someone there who has my back.

Especially during the tough seasons and times of life.

However, as I scroll through these contacts and followers, I don’t know who the majority of them are.

The actual people in my social circle that do have my back and who I could contact on any given day are:

My family, a few friends in real life, and a few friends on social media.

Nowhere near the 1,400 number, and that’s actually okay with me.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to place value in having a smaller social circle in which I can go deeply with each relationship.

Why? Because this is how you build a fulfilled life with people who truly care for you and your well being.

The shallow conversations that remain surface level?

Not for me and they shouldn’t be for you either.

These are not how you connect with others, but rather they give you a false impression that you’re doing well, when instead you remain feeling empty.

It’s a pretty awful feeling to realize that though you look good on the outside with connections, you’re not doing well on the inside.

That the facade you’re portraying to the world equates to little happiness, and no fulfillment.

Many times, leaving you feeling truly alone.

But! That’s why I’m building ConnectCall, so that you can have an easy pathway and access to reaching out and connecting with those people in your life who truly do care for you.

Not the “look good” numbers that falsely portray your status and how you’re doing.

But those that are in the foxhole of life with you, and have got your back.

Here’s how this will look ↓

With ConnectCall, you’ll have a Phone Book where you keep your contacts.

Is it a place to import your full phone’s contacts?


Just like the good old days, you’ll be adding in each contact by hand.

You’ll have the opportunity to personalize your contacts’ profiles and will have action buttons to invite them to schedule a call as well as to send them a check in text.

You can leave notes as reminders for what you want to talk about on the call, or even to notate what you talked about—if you want to pick things back up on your next call.

The main idea is that your ConnectCall phone book will NEVER have 863 contacts.

But, realistically, will be filled with the people you actually want to talk to.

Those who you’re looking to connect and grow with.

→ If this sounds at all interesting to you, then be sure you are signed up as one of our beta testers. This is the route we’re taking to validate the idea and see if it’s worth publishing to the iOS App Store!

I can’t wait to see how everything turns out, and more importantly how it impacts your life.


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